Why Should You Scrape Your Tongue?

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Scrape Your Tongue!

Scrape Your Tongue!

Family Dentistry with Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, & Fickas would like to share the importance of scraping your tongue.  Not many realize the importance of cleaning and scraping your tongue when brushing your teeth. Scraping your tongue can be very beneficial.  Cleaning and scraping your tongue will freshen your breath by removing bacteria that gives your mouth an odor.  Scraping your tongue also improves your ability to taste by removing the dead cells that lie on the tongue that would mask your taste buds.  Also, by removing this bacteria or toxins from the tongue will prevent these germs to be absorbed into the body.  And by removing the bacteria from the tongue and mouth will improve the dental health and eliminate bacteria that can cause cavities.  Keeping your tongue and  mouth healthy and clean can promote an overall healthy body and healthy living.  So when asked “Why Scrape Your Tongue?”- now one can explain all the wonderful reasons that Family Dentistry has shared to scrape your tongue.