Are your teeth a sore subject?

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Do you have sore teeth when you are having that birthday cake, frozen sundaes, milkshakes, or orange juice?  Do you have that  pain when you eat hot or cold foods?  If you do, you are not alone.  Millions of people suffer from tooth sensitivity.  If you do have the tooth sensitivity, do not ignore this.  The pain that you feel when you eat cold or hot foods or drinks or when you breathe in cold air is the pain that should be monitored.  This can be caused by gum recession or enamel loss which will allow the tooth's nerve to be exposed and resulting in pain.  Other causes of tooth sensitivity can result from using a brush with hard bristles, brushing too hard, teeth grinding, recession of the gums, or acidic or sugary foods.  So what can you do to improve this sensitivity?  First of all, visit your dentist to determine the cause of this sensitivity.  Your dentist and/or hygienist can assist you with the steps to help you treat your sensitivity once they determine the cause of this tooth sensitivity.   Remember, no one wants to be a sore subject.