Tooth Decay from a Baby Bottle

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Beware of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Beware of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Family Dentistry with Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, & Fickas want to remind all Mothers and Fathers of the concern with tooth decay from baby bottles.  Baby tooth decay can occur with too much exposure of baby ‘s teeth with sugary liquids.  These liquids could be milk, formula, fruit juice, sweetened drinks, or sodas.  Plaque can develop around the baby’s teeth and gums when the sugary liquid pools and causes bacteria.  Also, breastfeeding for long periods of time or placing honey, sugar, or syrup on a pacifier can also create tooth decay in babies and toddlers.  By giving sugary, including milk, drinks in a bottle to a baby at bedtime, saliva decreases at night and the bacteria will create more acid resulting in more decay.  If a baby’s teeth are decayed, infected, and/or  lost, at an early age, the child may develop poor eating habits, crooked teeth, speech problems, and damaged adult teeth.    Stay tuned for more information on our dental blog on what to do to prevent baby bottle tooth decay.  Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, & Fickas want to promote healthy teeth for a lifetime and that starts when babies are born.