The Enemies that Can Harm the Mouth

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In order to achieve the strong and healthy smile you deserve, you need to keep dental enemies at bay. This is because those enemies can attack your teeth and gums, harm your smile, and alter the condition of your oral health. To help you keep these dental enemies at bay, our dentists, Dr. Schmitz, Dr. Fickas , Dr. Fabiano and Dr. Biggerstaff, are happy to tell you all you need to know about them. The dental enemies are plaque and acid.

Plaque is hard to see and it clings to the teeth and promotes tooth decay and periodontal disease. The plaque that causes tooth decay uses the sugar you eat and creates a dangerous oral acid. That acid attacks the tooth enamel and creates a hole called a cavity. The plaque that causes gum disease turns into a toxic substance called tartar, which infects the gums and deteriorates the underlying bone.

It’s best to prevent plaque buildup by keeping up on oral hygiene, keeping up with your six-month checkups, and having a balanced diet.

Acid also attacks the tooth enamel and causes dental dangers. This acid comes from the acidic foods and drinks you have each day. When you expose your teeth to this acid frequently, the acid attacks and softens the tooth enamel. Then, the teeth are vulnerable to tooth decay and tooth injuries, like enamel chips and cupping.

It’s best to prevent these problems and fight this enemy by limiting your acidic food and beverage intake.

Call Family Dentistry today at 812-853-3313 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more about the enemies of the mouth in Newburgh, Indiana. Our dental team is happy to hear from and help you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!