Baby Teeth are Very Important Too!

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As a parent of a baby or toddler, the goal is to provide the best care for your little one.  The best care also includes taking great care of their teeth.  Baby teeth are as important as adult teeth.  These baby teeth guide permanent teeth into position.  Do not worry if  gaps are present between the baby teeth- this is normal.   The most common problem with the baby teeth is tooth decay.  Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay.  Setting a good example for your baby is the best way for them to have a lifetime of great dental care.  This includes brushing their teeth twice a day with water and soft brush.  Allow your c

hild to see how you brush their teeth.  This can be accomplished by brushing in front of a mirror.    Brushing with toothpaste can be unusual for the child so just use a pea-size portion of toothpaste.  And when the teeth start to touch, begin to floss their teeth.  Remember 3 Tasks for your child 1.  Take your child to a dentist by age 1 and then every 6 months.  2.  Limit sweets in their diet. 3.  Never put a child to bed with a bottle containing anything but water.  Your child, teenager, and later as an adult will be so grateful for the wonderful example you have shown for them to have a lifetime of Great Dental Health.
